
Published by MDMUAZZAM under on 5:25 PM
Welcome Ramadan..
Walk humbly..
Talk politely..
Dress neatly..
Treat kindly..
Pray attentively..
Donate generously..

Published by MDMUAZZAM under on 7:38 PM
1.00a.m,august 15,2009-meteor shower...muahahahaha...thats what the main plan to do on that 'night'..but all things turn wrong,actually not all la...we cant even see the stars..maybe it is because of the rain during the my group and i decided to take a walk around the hostel block,we enjoy our walk..the others..some of them begins to chat on the basketball court,some.....i was totally surprised!!let them be...after the group and i went to have a drink a bistro palma...then we went back to the basketball court..we decided that we dont want to sleep till morning..muahahahahaha..all of us chat,chat and chat,and again,and again...its getting,everybody starts to leave the basketball court..then left only the sportings and cools + another pair of roommates,both of them join us..we chat till 5a.m. the next morning..the sun will rise we decided to go back to our was a memorable night for me,my new experience in INTI...for others,i dont know..maybe more meaningfull to them..

today is august 15, izzat will be going to MAS,i will miss much memories he had left for me..mid valey...chow kit...swimming pool...movies...pool..class..hostel...futsal...badminton...stay up..etc..he is one of my close and best friend at must go on..dont worry,we still can contact anytime..i will never forget u!!!muahahahaha...peace bro!!

another bluur day...

Published by MDMUAZZAM under on 6:23 PM
today is sunday,2nd of tomorrow have class..aiyo....but i didnt start my assignments yet...aiya...i didnt have a notebook or laptop yet,so it is very difficult for me to do my assignments...luckily there is izzat @!!!!he helps me a lot by borrowing me his laptop...THANKS IZZAT!!!!!it has been a month at inti...its ok2 la....actually inti is a nice place to study because inti have good lecturers,nice friendssss,a lot of friends..a lot of foreigners..and most importantly,a lot of pretty,im glad im in 7E1..a sot2 class..hahaha...although i doesnt recognise all of my classmates,especially the girls..i hope that i can recognise all of us the girls,please makes friend with all guys of 7E1..keep on rocking!!hahahaha...i luv 7E1...not h1n1...hahahaha....talking about h1n1,the virus is spreading in,what do we need to do??what do i need to do??increase our hygiene??maybe it is a good idea...then..bluur...i doesnt know much about the only know that it is DEADLY...alamak...macam mane ni...are inti going to be closed???perhaps not...perhaps,perhaps,perrrhaps...sometimes akmal (my nice and good room mate)plays this song,but i dont know what is the song's title..hahaha...i like that song especially the 'perhaps,perhaps' part,hahahaha....guess that's all by now.....perhaps,perhaps,perrrhaps...hahahaha